
We are here to help you make an educated and informed decision regarding your purchase.  Be that for a new stove to replacement window treatments or even a retractable awning. We want you to be comfortable with your final selection, without second guessing yourself or having ‘buyer’s remorse’.

We believe the most valuable service we can provide is for the long term care of your purchase.  In this day of internet sales, big box stores, and discount shopping, well, sorry, we believe you get what you pay for!  You may be able to get things cheaper but you don’t get the expert knowledge and experience that comes when you shop local. Even if you can find a reputable product with a good warranty, sometimes the after-the-sale service is virtually nonexistent.  We make sure that you have access to our service technicians who can maintain, troubleshoot, and repair your product, so that it performs as promised for years to come!

Also, with all our years of experience we have become a knowledge treasure trove for people looking for random parts, pieces or even just general knowledge of something purchased years ago. Now, we can’t always guarantee that we can find that elusive part for your product bought in 1978 but we will do whatever we can to try to find a solution to your issue.

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