HearthStone ‘Mansfield’ soapstone wood stove

Mansfield soapstone wood stove

The Mansfield is a workhorse of a stove. It can provide up to 14 hours of sustained heat on a single load of wood. Producing up to 80,000 BTUs, it can tackle the coldest of climates and keep your entire home warm and comfortable, even when you’re out enjoying the snow all day long, or are too pooped to get out of bed and put a fresh log on the fire in the middle of the night.


Heats up to 2,500 sq. ft.
Burn Time Up to 10 hours
Heat Life Up to 14 hours
Size 80,000 BTUs
EPA Rating 2.8 grams per hour
Efficiency 77.4% Low Heating Value
Width 27″
Height (includes flue collar) 31″
Depth 29″
Maximum Log Length 21″
Firebox Capacity 3.2 cubic feet
Flue Exit & Diameter Top exit only 6″ flue collar
Ash Pan Yes
Actual Weight (lbs.) 550
Alcove Certified Yes
Optional Blower Kit Yes
Mobile Home Certified Yes

More info?  Visit HearthStone!

4 thoughts on “HearthStone ‘Mansfield’ soapstone wood stove”

  1. Can you please send me a big picture of the Mansfield Soapstone stove in a blue shiny enamel finish. There is no place to find a picture. Is the picture you show of the Mansfield in the log cabin (small pic)before you click into the Mansfield stove…what color is that, is that the blue/black enamel? I want a blue like that one, but not one that looks black. NOT the Seafoam, don’t like that color. We will be buying the Mansfield in the early fall…in the process of buying an 1850 Colonial home in Hebron, NY. What is your price for the Mansfield soapstone in the finish I would like? We use to have the Heritage in the brown enamel finish in a previous home we owned several years ago and loved that stove. Also, will you have sales coming up? Please send pic and the price for the stove. We will only be 30 minutes tops from Manchester. Thank you!

  2. WE have a Hearth Stone III free standing wood stove is there a optional blower kit for the stove. call please 661-972-1730

    1. I talked to Hearthstone directly about your inquiry. This was their response:

      “The feeling on the original products was that a fan would not be beneficial for radiant stoves. Therefore, the H-I, H-II, and H-III never had fans.”

      I hope this helps. If you’re still interested in a fan, the only real option would be to buy an aftermarket Eco-Fan (battery-less and powered by the heat of the stove)

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