The name says it all! An Xtrordinary 864 square inches of expansive glass let you enjoy our most massive display of flames to date. No other fireplace in its class offers this much view and this much control of the fire. With our convenient Comfort ControlTM valve you can choose a low flame glow of only 6,700 Btu’s (NG) to put you in the mood on a warm summer night, or take it all the way up to 31,000 for a heat that fills your home in winter. Xperience Xtrordinary energy cost savings with unbelievable efficiency. Make a dramatic style statement with the original Classic ArchTM, French CountryTM or ArtisanTM hand hammered faces. And the 864TRV has Top or Rear Venting plus an easy installation that gives you an Xtrordinary new fire faster than ever.
Heating Capacity: 450-1400 sq feet
Maximum BTU Input: 31,000
Overall Efficiency: 77.2% NG 78.4% LP
AFUE: 68.3% NG 69.4% LP
Venting: Top or Rear
Weight: 205 lbs.
Burner System: Dual Burner