Inspired by the quaint coastal town of New Harbor Maine, the Jøtul GI 535 DV IPI New Harbor combines time honored craftsmanship with modern design. From a traditional cast iron face to a more modern flair, the New Harbor is very versatile and the perfect fit for any medium size fireplace.
- Dual ceramic Jøtulburner™III
- Realistic ceramic fiber log set burns with the warm glow of a real wood fire
- Energy saving IPI electronic ignition
- Battery backup
- Multifunction ProFlame 2 remote with flame control
- Top-firing accent lights
- 50% heat control turn down
- Conversion kit included for use with propane gas
- 5 year limited warranty
Technical data for Jøtul GI 535 DV IPI New Harbor
- BTU range (Direct Vent): 31,500 Max BTU input – 11,000 Low output
Efficiency: Up to 72.37% Steady State (A.FU.E. 72.00%)
Heating capacity: Up to 1,400 sq.ft
Flue outlet: Direct Vent (3″ Co-linear)
Gas types: Natural Gas, LP
- Choice of cast iron or steel overlay
- Three internal liner kits: Traditional Red Brick, Brownstone Brick, or Black Reflective Glass panels