Avalon FlushWood Plus Fireplace Insert

Flush Wood-burning fireplace insert by Avalon

Transform your old masonry fireplace with the clean, contemporary, sleek design of the Perfect-Fit Plus wood insert with the Cypress™ face. With no visible grills or venting the insert adds a polished touch to a modern decor while serving as a super-efficient heat source. The insert also features the unobstructed air wash system maintaining clarity and cleanliness of the glass year round.

Easy To Live With – A single air control allows you to set the fire to your desired setting. Operation is easy and requires no guess work to burn efficiently . The Perfect-Fit Plus is also one of the only wood burning inserts to feature a bypass damper that lets you open the flue before starting or reloading your wood making fire start-up simple and preventing smoke spillage into your home.




1 thought on “Avalon FlushWood Plus Fireplace Insert”

  1. I am very interested in this insert. We currently have a fire place insert in our home. I dispise it! It looks like it belongs in a log cabin and our decor is very contemporary. Where can I purchase this and how much?

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